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Showing posts from April, 2017

What Is Fashion Sense and Why Don’t I Have Any?

I was really feeling my outfit today (I didn’t have any hot sauce in my bag, but still...swag). I’m in college so my outfit usually consists of sweats/jeans and a t-shirt/hoodie. This is not my “well, I’m in college outfit.” This is my “I have always worn this style” outfit. But, remember how I said I was feeling my outfit today, well...I was until I tried to “do it for the ‘gram” and post my cute outfit of the day post. Fail. The lighting wasn’t right, I couldn’t get the right angle and then I realized that my outfit was quite...”normal.” I had on skinny jeans, grey knitted sweater, checkered black and white cardigan and calf-high boots. Nothing out of the ordinary. First mistake I made was scrolling through Instagram before posting my “feeling myself” outfit. I follow quite a few fashion bloggers and today, they all happened to have posted some really chic, cute outfits. So chic and cute that it made me ask myself, “what the heck is fashion sense?” which was then followed by...

A fascinating article about people who greatly influenced fashion.

While the fashion industry continues to introduce us to new styles every season, the industry would not be where it is today without the help of influential fashion icons. Nowadays, celebrities are able to take pictures of their outfit and share it with friends, family, and fans on social media. However, many of the women who invented these iconic styles didn’t have the same influential opportunities, so the fact that we still consider them fashion icons means they must have known what they were doing! Although today’s celebrities are criticized for what they wear on the red carpet, to the grocery store, and out to dinner, this wasn’t the case for previous generations of stars. Instead, these celebrities whatever they wanted, which is why so many unique trends surfaced during this time. The following 10 fashion icons not only had successful careers, but they also used their keen fashion senses to catapult them into stardom. Here are some of the most influential fashionistas and the ...