If you like to stay on top of fashion trends , looking at runway shows is a great place to start, but they’re not always indicative of popular trends in countries around the world. Lucky for us, the folks at fashion retailer Long Tall Sally researched the top trends worn all over the globe . Not only is it interesting to see the trends people in other countries love, but the results also provide a little fashion inspiration for your wardrobe. With the help of a trends expert, Long Tall Sally analyzed thousands of global trends via street style images, local influencers and Instagram posts. The trends were then cross-referenced with Instagram data from the last 12 months. The top trend in each country was determined by looking at the most frequently used trend-related hashtag. For example, in Seoul, South Korea , oversized sleeves were determined to be the top trend, with 15,638 hashtags. In...
The buzz around New York Fashion Week is always exciting. It's wonderful to see people from all over the world gather together for their love of fashion. It makes you realize how important fashion is. One of the first things we do in the morning is decide what to wear. Whether we're heading out for a day of leisure or getting ready to make a big sales pitch, our clothes help us tell our story throughout the day. Fashion has always been key to how women have presented themselves to the world, and how society has wanted to present women to the world. From panniers that emphasized wide hips to shoulder pads that emphasized "power," the fashion of the time tells our history in great detail. Read Article: https://www.makers.com/blog/brief-history-womens-fashion-photo-gallery